If you’re planning your summer vacation…

My wife and I keep talking about it but can’t seem to pull the trigger.  She has time constraints and now we have adult children issues.  Ceremonies to attend. Yes, I also have some time constraints as well, but I have a great team to cover for me as well.

The overall recommendations have been to book early, budget more and plan on delays.

So, what else is new…

The experts are informing us that leisure travel will top prepandemic levels

this summer, now that virtually everything and everyone are back to normal activities and rules.

Almost everyone is eager to hit the road, the skies, the seas or the rails. 85% of Americans say they’re planning a summer vacation this year.  42% say they plan to travel more than last summer.

Airports figure to be mobbed. Air travel is sure to exceed summer 2019’s pre-COVID level. In fact, passenger volume may set a new record.

One option we are considering is a Roman excursion, I saw a deal we may grab.

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