I have voted in almost every election since I was 18.  I know I missed one, mainly because I too ill to go out and vote.  I may have missed more, but I am out there for primaries and the lovely non-advertised District elections.

But with the upcoming presidential elections I am not looking forward to voting.  I haven’t been for the last two elections.  First both parties give us the worst people on the planet to choose from (Trump vs Clinton).  Then we get the battling geezers (Biden vs Trump).

Now it is looking to shape up to Battle of the Geezer II return of the oldest possible candidates possible.  I am afraid that even if Trump loses the Republican primary, he will run as an independent.

Seriously, are these the best choices this country can come up with?

Our system is broken, and no one seems to know how to fix it.  We need better candidates, a more transparent process.  All elections matter and we need to get every eligible person registered and force them to vote or make it easy enough that they will get off their asses and do so.

Neither party truly wants that, they love elections where less than 30% of eligible voters vote, so their vote has a greater impact.  They usually have a vested interest in who wins as well, typically for their own wellbeing.  Remember roughly 30% of the country works for our government in some form or another…

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