Options trading – in IRA

Years ago, I met a gentleman who wanted to learn the fundamentals of options trading. He was aware of the nightmare that options trading can have to an individual’s tax return.  Basically, needing to hire a tax professional to prepare the return. Being a thrifty...

Estimated taxes and making the payments

This tax season we are having more and more clients having a significant tax liability; some federal, some state or both. Some clients who have been having liabilities are planning to adjust their withholding.  I hope they follow through. For most we give them...

Employee background checks

One of my clients recently had to let go of an employee who had some unpleasant business in their background. Their hiring process are lax and they had no reviews are ever done on any of the employees.  I hope that they step up their process. For my lemonade stand,...

Multiple lines of passive income

What passive income streams have you set up for yourself?  If you haven’t done any yet, are you planning on doing any? I have some old insurance dogs and financial advisors, who wake up January 1, knowing that they will be making six to seven figures without really...

Planning for the future of your business

I am reading a biography of the Mars and Hershey companies and their namesakes who ran the businesses. In both cases they were seeming always looking to the future of their businesses.  In contrast, I have a client who is aware of a problem approaching in their...

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