(847) 690-9454 [email protected]


Business owners need to get Independent contractors to complete Form W-9 for several important purposes: Providing tax information to clients: The W-9 allows contractors to provide their legal name, address, and taxpayer identification number (TIN) to the companies...

Yet even more ridiculous side gigs/wealth growth tips

So I have already highlighted some side gigs that take time and expertise with no guarantee of making a nickel. Here are some more that need real skills to even contemplate. Invest in dividend-paying stocks: Purchasing shares of companies that regularly distribute...

Wealth Strategies

Here are 10 key strategies wealthy families use to preserve and grow their wealth across generations: Diversify investments. Wealthy families invest in a wide range of assets including stocks, bonds, real estate, private equity, and alternative investments to spread...

Side Gigs

I was talking to a client who was looking for some extra earnings and I suggested they look into a side gig.  I pulled up a list of the most lucrative… Some of these seem far fetched, time consuming with no guarantees of making any money.  Some are just...

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