No or low money down mortgages

No or low money down mortgages, no it’s not 2006.  But it is looking that way through certain prisms.   It looks like there are a few programs from the government that have no money down mortgages.  FHA, VA, and USDA have programs that allow new or repeat home...

ATM Cards

The futurists predicted that ATM cards will soon be a thing of the past, and they were correct.   Banks and ATM service providers are racing to deploy new technology machines that will offer bank customers cardless access to their cash.   JPMorgan Chase has...


Are you paying alimony? Make sure to verify the language in your divorce agreement.  The instrument cannot say the amount is nondeductible.   Two taxpayers who were required to make payments to ex-spouses learned this lesson the hard way.   The IRS reversed...

Form 1098

With the new boxes on Form 1098, the IRS is collecting more data on home mortgage interest.   Lenders must now report the amount of principal outstanding at the start of the year, the mortgage origination date and the address of the property securing the loan....

Off the hook

It was determined in a recent court case that the IRS cannot collect back payroll taxes from a business owner’s father, at least in this case.   The father, who informally helped out at a restaurant that was owned by his son, took it upon himself to sign four...

Bitcoin and the free market

I have written about Bitcoin in the past.  How it is the currency of choice used in the marketplace for the dark web and other illicit online activities.   But it seems that the odds are in favor a green light for retail trading of bitcoins on a major exchange....

Smartphones and Hackers

Do you use any of the preventive measures that are built into your smartphone to protect you from hackers?   Since they are built into the mobile devices they do not cost you any extra money. First amongst them is the ability to use a PIN or fingerprint to lock...

New Client

We just signed a new client.  They were a referral from our banker.  Apparently they were given two names and numbers, but the other CPA, could not even give the prospect the curtesy of a return call to let them know that they are not taking on new clients.  They were...


Those ads that claim you can pay the IRS pennies on the dollars are not really true.  But that should be no surprise to most.   The advertised Fresh Start program from the IRS has three components; it addresses tax liens, installment agreements and finally OIC....

Dirty Dozen

The Dirty Dozen represents the worst of the worst tax scams. Compiled annually, the “Dirty Dozen” lists a variety of common scams that taxpayers may encounter anytime but many of these schemes peak during filing season as people prepare their returns or hire someone...

Schedule A not C

In a recent court case, it was confirmed that legal fees paid in a job-related lawsuit are not deductible business expenses. After a bank executive was fired, the bank filed suit against her to recover a bonus it had paid her earlier in the year.   She then...

Penalty Not Deductible

According to the Tax Court, a 100% penalty for failing to collect or pay payroll taxes isn’t deductible.  Federal penalties are never deductible.   After an S corporation did not pay its employment taxes and later went out of business and had its corporate...

Wills, Trusts and Estates

I am currently working with a couple who both lost parents last year.  The differences between the couple’s two parents are striking.   For the first one the family knows where all of the assets are and the documents are current.  But there are special...

One option to protect your identity from tax fraud

The simplest way to help protect yourself from tax-related identity theft this tax season is to file your tax return early.   Thieves who are using stolen identities to seek refunds on fraudulent returns typically file the fake returns early in the filing season...

Further education can be deductible

An employee who earned an MBA degree gets good news from the Tax Court. The cost can be deducted as an employee business expense on Schedule A.   A man who worked as a product marketing manager decided to get an MBA degree with a focus on management and finance....

Fraud, by any other name…

A taxpayer has a scheme to avoid paying overdue taxes backfires for a corporation.   On the day a company that owed back payroll taxes decided to close shop, its president and 40% owner formed a new firm to conduct the same line of business with the same workers....

Careful on what you write-off

In a recent tax court case it was revealed that taking a large bad debt deduction leads to IRS scrutiny in this case.   Through his S corporation, an investor advanced funds to small companies in return for financial control and a minority equity interest. (I am...

No relief for economic hardship

Apparently suffering financial hardship does not let you tap your IRA penalty-free, according to the Tax Court.   A taxpayer under age 59½ who lost her job and took payouts from her qualified dollars to assist in supporting her family.   Afterwards the IRS...

IRS Appearance

I started working with a transportation company when they were looking for someone to train them on QuickBooks (QB). They were looking to replace their bookkeeper and wanted me to train another employee on how to use QuickBooks, they also wanted this done discreetly....

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