The Chili Bank

As someone whose home has been robbed and son attacked with a knife during the robbery, we have since taken special precautions to protect our home. If I had used this little gadget or something similar, I would probably be hundreds of dollars richer. The piece of...

Engagement letter

This tax season, I am using engagement letters from my insurance company.  Apparently, they suggest that I use them for all aspects of every service. Usually, I get an expensive book and pick out specific paragraphs to use, this time I took the fast easy route and...


Numerous businesses have competition from competitors of all levels. For tax returns I have my direct peers, – large firms such as Porte Brown down the street, and then the garage preparers. Beyond those there are also Liberty Tax, H&R Block and Jackson...

Degrading quality

Over the decades (yes, I’m old) I have seen a vast number of products and services degrade in quality and excellence over time. One area in particular has been comic books from the two largest publishers.  The costs are higher than ever and the quality of the art and...

Pay before service

I know that for years, certain industries required a down payment before they would even think of starting work.  Typically, it was only certain industries and those with great up front expenditure requirements. I was recently flabbergasted when I attempted to order a...

Sale of Principal Residence

This year as well as last we saw several clients who have sold their primary residence. The sale of your principal residence for a gain creates potential tax issues if over the exclusion.  Granted these are hopefully long-term capital gains, taxed at the lower 15% cap...

A brief history of the $2 bill

In 1862, the Federal Government began printing the very first paper bills which included the two-dollar bill. Paper money took a while to catch on, as coin was the preferred currency at the time. Considering that at the turn of the century most Americans were earning...

Fun Facts about the Two-Dollar Bill

Nicknamed the “Tom” because they feature Thomas Jefferson’s portrait on the face Has been linked in the past to bribery, election rigging, gambling, prostitution, and bad luck in general Used by Clemson University, Geneva Steel, and 2nd Amendment proponents Originally...

Beware of spending a $2 bill

I was reading on the internet some stories presumably true that are amusing enough to share.  They do have that awful ring of truth to them. Judging people’s characters for spending $2 bills is largely a thing of the past, but it can still be a tremendous hassle....

My favorite is irrelevant.

Apparently, the current irrelevance of the $2 bill is a product of both inflation and the denominations’ seedy reputation.  I thought it was because cash registers did not have enough drawers to accommodate them (slots for $1, $5, $10 and $20, $50 and $100’s go...


No children were harmed in the making of this blog. Just random silliness, it’s been a long tax season and nowhere near the end, October 15, 2023… Just bored.

Wrong client

In the past I have written that if you don’t feel comfortable picking up the phone to talk to your CPA (attorney, banker, insurance agent, financial advisor) you are not in the right type of relationship and should change it. These five positions should be working to...

Property do you own it?

I theoretically own a few properties.  I say theoretical for good reason. In reality, I may have had to paid or am paying for them, but I don’t feel that I really own them. Think I am incorrect? The government really owns it and let’s us think we own it.  Think I am...

Starting a business

When I started my business, the goal was to regain control over my future.  It seemed that every time I had a child, a position was eliminated out from under me. So, I ventured forth with an idea more than a plan.  Luckily, I had help all along the way. As I gathered...

Taxation in another form

The Lottery. It exists legally now in many forms from weekly drawing to scratch offs. The Illinois Lottery began operations on July 1, 1974, when lotteries in the United States were confined to areas of the Northeast and Midwest.  This was also a maneuver to take over...

Prohibition still has its hold

The Eighteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution established the prohibition of alcohol in the United States. The amendment was proposed by Congress on December 18, 1917, and was ratified by the requisite number of states on January 16, 1919. Shortly after...

Credit Card Interest

How much did you pay in credit card interest, last year? Was it in the hundreds or thousands? I have recommended to clients “zero interest” credit cards for faster debt repayment.  These cards typically do not have balance transfer fees. These cards typically have...

Crypto and the racial divide

I have been reading that In the beginning of the Crypto revolution, most Black Americans were much less likely to own cryptocurrencies than white Americans. That has changed with Cryptos growth in popularity in recent years. A report from the Federal Reserve Bank of...

Transfer Vehicles

Rental properties can be great transfer vehicles when held individually till death. Upon death the property gets a step up in basis to the market value at the time of death, if held in the owners name. Once a property has run through its depreciable life and paid off...

Rental Property

Rental property is a great idea and can generate a decent income stream.  I have seen it done with many clients. I have also seen some seen some lose money, by having the rents too cheap to cover the costs of the property. They fear that no one will pay them true...

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