Blue ocean is an entrepreneurship industry term created in 2005 to describe a new market with little competition or barriers standing in the way of innovators. The term refers to the vast “empty ocean” of market options and opportunities that occur when a new or unknown industry or innovation appears.

Or in other words being first, his may be a new product or service or niche in the market.

Alas, being first does not mean you won it only means you got there first.  History is crawling with companies who got there first only to die there…

Xerox created the PC; Friendster in essence created social media; Palm created the PDA;  Netscape the browser; ·Tivo online video storage; Betamax created video recordings for home use;  Atari the video game.

If you find yourself in a Blue Ocean you need to dominate that ocean and constantly improve to crush the competition.  Otherwise, it is possible to become a fatality of your inability to change and adapt.

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