Working with a budget is a bit like trying to lose weight, both require a plan and the ability to maintain that plan in spite of the obstacles.

Years ago, I kept my household to a tight budget, both my wife and I were wage slaves and cash was always tight.  It seemed our wages only kept up with inflation, barely.

Every two weeks, I would get funds from the bank on payday for our allowance and for groceries.  I scoured the papers for coupons and always went into the grocery store with a prewritten list and a rough idea as to the final cost, coupons on hand.

But we were able to save money, also the budget was also part of our diet, it helped keep my weight down more easily.  Everything was preplanned and there were no luxuries (extra snacks) or eating out.

Beyond the saving, I went back to school got my Masters, went after my certification and things became better. My weight also went up as well…

Maybe I need to get back onto a tighter budget, just for the weight loss.

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