Who of us at one time or another hasn’t gotten so fed up with the shenanigans of being in Illinois that we thought of leaving the “Land of Lincoln”? The red-light cameras, the violence, the fear of violence, the $50 plus parking fees, or the taxes the ridiculous taxes on everything…

Illinois has been less than a friendly state to to small business.  Small businesses employee the majority of those not employed by one aspect of the government or another.  Illinois seemingly likes to make it as costly and difficult to run a business here.  Again, the high taxes on utilities, supplies gasoline, not to mention property taxes through the roof.  The constant letters for information already provided to them.

It seems that on a regular basis you hear someone say they are feed up with IL and are moving out. Well, I have had clients do just that.  The aggravation of Illinois became too much and three companies moved to Florida recently.

They seem to be happy with the switch, it will save them on incomes taxes, business and personal.  No replacement taxes on business income in Florida.

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