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The constant battle to get even

Last week I was meeting with a client, who was struggling a few years ago and is now on the rebound. But that in itself is the problem.  When their business was struggling for income, they were forced to use up their reserves and got into debt. Even though the...


I was talking to a CPA who I was meeting with the possibility of purchasing his practice.  This unfortunately did not work out, but he had an interesting practice. At one point he was explaining that in the 1980’s and 90’s that he a number of “mob bosses” as clients. ...

Follow up to Fraud

Last week I met with a client who had recommended us to one of their friends.  I had written about this case when I first met with them.  Upon review of the past tax returns, we believe that blatant fraud was incorporated into the preparation of both the business and...

Zero Balance S- Corp

I recently met with a payroll processing sales person.  She inquired as to how many zero balance S-Corps, did I process at the end of the year. I informed her that I did not do any.  First there are a number of client whom handle their own payroll and I would not be...

Market Relevance

Remaining relevant is challenging.  Whether you sell a product or a service the business environment in which you are working in is always in transition. For us as a CPA firm we have the changing tax laws, the FASB standards are constantly in flux.  Report on a...

Retirement Savings

Adoption of an automatic enrollment into a 401(k), has increased employee participation.  This is bound to happen when they have no choice in the matter. But employers can also help improve participation and contribution levels in retirement plans by offering matching...

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