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Joe Berrios will not get my vote

When it is time to vote for politicians , especially those whose who impact my profession life get the thumbs up or thumbs down based upon how they have impacted me personally and professionally. Joe Berrios the Cook County Assessor has just lost my vote and should...

Bad Bank Loans

I was meeting with a prospect and was reviewing their financials.  Their business did not appear to be so successful; it had not made money for a number of years.  Their personal also was bereft of income.  Not the likeliest candidates for a bank loan. But when I was...

Another status update

This time of year is special, in that I basically get to touch base with everyone of my clients.  When one was in to drop off his family’s paperwork we chatted a bit. He had just changed professions and finally gotten a new full-time job in a new profession. I asked...

The downfall of civilization…

I was meeting with a client and we were discussing the financial situation of Illinois and Chicago.  My client knows a number of people who have a personal knowledge of the debts of the difficulties with both entities. As we are all aware there is no simple solution...


It seems that others are finally under the realization of what I have been saying since the ACA became law.  The “Cadillac” tax on health insurance may jokingly become the “Chevy” tax. The 40% excise levy starts in 2018 on high-cost insurance coverage: those above...

The Wonderful Ecomony

Kiplinger is pointing to what are considered robust job gains in February to show justification that the economy is getting stronger and that this should help put such thoughts to rest. Last month brought the creation of 295,000 jobs; this apparently exceeded...

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