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Throwing in the towel

I have just met with a client that is throwing in the towel.  They are starting to determine the process of how their business will be shut down. This will have to be a difficult process with multi prongs of attack.  There are employees that will need to be...

All Hell’s Breaking Loose

I don’t know if it is just me or if this is the way it always is.  But when I am in the office alone, there always seem to be an emergency or three that I need to address all at once. I am sitting here on a Friday and I am the only one in the office today and I have...

When and if to sell

I had a meeting where we were reviewing a couple’s joint tax return prior to submission.  During the conversation, I was informed that while they were a relatively new startup company, they had received an offer to purchase their company. The offer was reasonable.  No...

W-2 and tax reduction

As happens every year, I had a meeting with a W-2 couple who were unhappy with the amount of their income tax liability. The clients’ earnings are sufficient to trigger all of the phase-out’s and are now subject to the wonderful new taxes that have been created just... at work

Taxpayers are seemingly in the clear for the government’s own screw-ups.  The Internal Revenue Service decided that they will not try to collect additional taxes from those taxpayers who have already filed their taxes after receiving incorrect information from the...

Millennials and mentoring

It seems that the previous generations (Baby Boomers and Gen Xers, but mostly Gen X) are having some difficulties relating and managing their employees who are classified as Millennials or Gen Y.  Generation Y is considered anyone who was born between 1980 and early...

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