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Surprises Happen

A few years ago I had a client come to me and state that they were thinking of retiring in the not too distant future. They had worked for their own business and did not have enough fiscal quarters in to be eligible for Social Security. At this point I suggested a...

The Future of college education?

Clay Christensen has predicted that half of universities will go bankrupt in the next 15 years.  This is a bold statement to be sure.  In A recent Business Insider interview he elaborated a bit on his thought process. “I have made an observation that relates to this....

Fraud Seminar

Last week, I was at a fraud seminar presented by US Bank.  The presenter was a retired FBI agent, as well as an excellent presenter. A few of the precautions that he stressed were the electronic receipt of bills from vendors, as well as the processing of payments...

The Search Continues

We continue our search for the opportunity to grow our practice through purchases.  At the beginning of the year we picked up part of a small practice from an Enrolled Agent.  We have also made arrangements to pick up a very small practice from one of the many 87 year...


As we start the wind down of the year.  Now is the time to act on tax issues and year end planning.  Businesses should be making sure that they have valid up to date W-9’s for all of the Independent Contractors that are utilized.  I am also talking about those whom...

The Hunt is on…

I have a couple of clients who have employees that either were looking to get out, or are looking to get out, but are finding that the getting out portion is not as easy as they thought it would be. There are a number of factors at work here, and they are not typical...

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