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Interest free credit cards

Are you one of those people who carry a credit card balance?  I use my line of credit for any long term debt in my business.  I never believed in paying credit card rates, so I never carried a balance.  I am just too cheap… But I do know individuals and businesses...

Running a small start-up

In a discussion with a new client, we talked about the necessary skills needed to be a successful entrepreneur. To me the most important requirement for entrepreneurship is to be a self-starter.  My client countered that motivation was a greater driver. I argued that...


I was working with a client to migrate their all of their contacts into Constant Contact. I was surprised on how many of the contacts listed that were using generic e-mails (i.e. G-mail, Hotmail, yahoo, etc.). I was cautioned early on when I started my business to...

Worst IRS Audit

Somebody was asking me what my worst experience with an IRS audit was. I knew just the story to tell them. My client was a realtor who had an audit where they needed to go downtown to the IRS offices. We had a Monday morning appointment at 8:30. I went to the clients...

Value to Bank Known

As with any relationship there are ups and downs and my relationship with my bank is one of them. I seldom carry my debit card, they are usually shredded upon arrival and I order a new one when I plan on traveling outside the US. But when I carry them I contact the...

Second Merchant Account

One of my clients added an extension to its existing business; they needed to have the ability to open micro e-commerce websites for specific periods of time. This was based on requests of its customers. So they had a decision to make. They could have hired a web...

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