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Free College

We now have two Presidential candidates talking about forgiving student loans and making college free to all. Am I the only one really annoyed by these ideas?  I have paid and am paying tens of thousands of dollars for college for my kids.  But once my kids are...

Time is money

We have all heard the expression “time is money”. Do any of us doubt this expression or disagree with it?  All of our jobs are based on what we can do for someone else within a specific time frame for compensation.  It does not matter if you are hourly, salaried or an...

Outside Services

I have a client who has a very specialized service and has been successful from the very beginning.  He has setup successful partnerships with the likes of Costco, Uber and restrauant.com. In an effort to bring their business to the next level, he made a deal with a...


I have a client whose business has epic cycles of being slow or being swamped.  From Thanksgiving to March they are slow, slow slow.  But come late March or early April they are running overtime like nobody’s business. We have discussed the need for balance for...

Interest free credit cards

Are you one of those people who carry a credit card balance?  I use my line of credit for any long term debt in my business.  I never believed in paying credit card rates, so I never carried a balance.  I am just too cheap… But I do know individuals and businesses...

Running a small start-up

In a discussion with a new client, we talked about the necessary skills needed to be a successful entrepreneur. To me the most important requirement for entrepreneurship is to be a self-starter.  My client countered that motivation was a greater driver. I argued that...

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