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The Five Cs of Security as a Service

As I was looking for an outline for our Cyber Security Manual, l I stumbled upon this whitepaper.  I found it interesting enough to summarize here. Change – Organizations face a constantly changing array of pressures from multiple external sources. Compliance...

Data Breaches

Did you know that 95% of breaches are due to human error?  I admit I was not surprised by this number.  What did surprise me was that 91% through e-mail, this was a bit of a shock. MyDoom did $38.4 billion in damage, there are also 4 million records are stolen from...

AI in use today

How many of you are using AI regularly?  Do you Alexia? Play chess online? How about Amazon shopping recommendations?  All utilize AI, so you have been using AI without even knowing it. Chat GPT newest iteration of AI. ChatGPT is a large language model-based chatbot...

Why no checking account

In the last statistics I can find is from 2019, there were 7 million US households do not have a bank account. So that is over 18 million people (2.6 per household) without a checking account out 328 million or 5% of the population in 2019. The reason are believed to...


Money, money, money was everywhere and readily available during COVID.  PPP and EIDL saved a number of businesses including a number of my clients. Bank were more willing to lend, it was not difficult to get your hands on cash With the constant increasing of interest...

Taxpayer Bill of Rights

By law, all taxpayers have fundamental rights when they’re interacting with the IRS. It’s important that all taxpayers know and understand their rights. The Taxpayer Bill of Rights presents these rights in 10 categories. For full official details about...

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