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Payroll Tax returns

Did you know that you are required to keep your payroll tax returns for 7 years?  We have a record retention policy on our website for your convenience: We had a client who...

The big squeeze

I was at a seminar for the Elk Grove Business Leaders Forum awhile back, under the old management and they had these three business owners presenting.  It was a great presentation. But one owner’s story keeps popping into my mind, how would I handle their...

E-tail options

In the E-tail arena, two options come to my mind.  The first is Amazon and the second is EBay.  Yes, there are other options for very small vendors like Etsy  or a sole site.  There may be 10,000 more sites but none come easily. Because of its...

Too big to fail.

As a reader, I have utilized Amazon as a primary source for books over the years.  But now that Amazon has decimated the publishing and retail market for books, the deals have dissipated. So I have had to start looking at other options, Walmart, Target, Barnes...

Insurance Review

When was the last time you reviewed any of your insurance policies?  That is except for the cost? When I was handling compliance and financial planning for a group of financial advisors I decided to learn from other people’s mistakes.  Have proper insurance...

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