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Maintaining HR reports

I am working with a client that recently closed their business.  This client started with us after they had the business up and running.  We offered to work with them at various levels, but in an effort to contain costs they because an annual client only.  We were to...

In-house or outsource what makes sense

We have a client that has received an unofficial offer to have their company absorbed by one of their clients.  They want to get him to be their in-house asset.  Apparently they want him so bad that they have also left independence on the table as well. Companies...

The world of Logistics

How would you like to enter the business world in the “Logistics” category?  Not only start your own business, but not have to troll for clients and with a minimum initial investment?  Your revenues will grow and the profits are all but guaranteed.  The cost of entry...

Business Smartphone

I know just about everyone has a smart phone and uses it for both business and personal purposes.  A number of people have their bank and credit card information entered and accessible on their phone. Nothing surprising here, a vast number of people have the totality...

Margins and Volume

I recently had a client sell off their assets and close their business.  They had chosen a venture that could be successful and they were marginally successful.  But their margins were small, so they need a tremendous amount of volume to cover the fixed costs, let...

Yield Curve

I recently meet with a client and we were discussing the economy.  She indicated that we are entering a period of a negative yield curve (or “inverted yield curve”) on interest rates. To better explain this, I found this definition on  an inverted...

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