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Major Misstep

What do you do to recover from a major misstep that had a significant cost? I was talking to a peer who works with a restaurant in my neighborhood.  The original owner created a successful business but was getting older and wanted to step down. They transferred the...


I have never been a fan of having partners. You have all of the responsibility of what they do in the business whether it is good or bad for the business.  Wrapped up in an S-Corp gives you some protection, but I have seen too many go bad. But now I myself and a...


Amazon has been vilified on social media lately, which is surprising since President Trump is also not a fan either. This mix would have trouble agreeing on the color of an orange, let alone agreeing on a common villain. According to a Business Insider article:...

The Ramp-up

I just met with a client who is now ramping up their business.  The initial plan was to set-up an e-publishing company.  The client has a number of completed books, but felt that they were not good enough for “prime time” so there has been a deferred in getting the...

The 100 day marketing plan

I was at a networking meeting and one of the people there has just started their business, one of the steps in her start-up business plan was to sign-up for Seth Godin’s 100 day marketing plan. I confess I had heard of Seth Godin, I skimmed a couple of his books.  I...

Missing the mark

I have been watching a couple of businesses over the last year and both seem to be missing the mark in getting their businesses off the ground.  One is client who started a new business because he was forced to close one business that was marginally successful, but...

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