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$0 to $10,000,000

When I am talking to prospective clients they are sometimes surprised when they ask about our other clients. We work with a wide variety of clients some are start-ups and others are multi-generational companies.  They all need to be flexible and need to change with...

Academic approach to business

I was introduced to a small business owner a while ago who seemingly was approaching their start-up from a completely academic manner, or in other words they read some books on how to start a business and then started a business. What was odd is that this is not...

Spousal Support

When I have someone coming in explaining that they want to start a business, I like to meet the prospective entrepreneur along with their spouse. If I am lucky and they both come in, when I am asking questions of the would be entrepreneur I am looking at the spouses...

Value Statement

Does your business have a value statement? Should your business have a one?  The broad definition is: A declaration that informs the customers and staff of a business about the firm’s top priorities and what its core beliefs are. Companies often use a value...


I was meeting with a client and they brought up the ZTE problem.  Their take on the issue was slightly different from the news.  They believe that any and all information and data from an ZTE device was collected and is now in the possession of the Chinese government....

IRA no-no’s

Have you thought of having your IRA lend money to your father?  If so know that this is a prohibited transaction. In 2013, a woman attempted to roll over her IRA assets into a new retirement account (probably a self-directed IRA). The assets of the IRA consisted of...

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