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New or refurbish

My son was asking me about getting where I get work done on my dress shoes.  From what I have observed and read Millennials are breed to look at recycling and refurbishing things, so his interest was not a complete surprise.  Whereas other generations tend to dispose...

No interest credit cards

This one truly surprised me when I found out they existed.  No interest for 12/15/18 month credit cards.  My whole understanding of the credit card industry has been that they insist on getting paid royally from both side of any transaction, just because they could...

Clear Communication and Workplace Expectations

When you hear the phrases, “May I have a word with you” or “May I see you in my office,” do you think, “Uh oh, what did I do now?”  This response does not create the optimal environment for you or your people to perform at their best.  To create a better environment,...

Amazon takes over the world

I don’t know why I surprised when I found out that Amazon now had added housekeeping and handyman services to their line. The company that was barely able to stay afloat with selling books is now planning to take over the world.  If the stories are true they plan to...

Unfair competition

It seems that new technology start-ups are facing a greater hurdle than they expected.  While they may have their great idea and are looking for VC or initial investors the larger tech companies (Google, Facebook or Amazon) are looking at what they are doing or trying...


I was reading an article when a guy was remembering has little cash he had in his 20’s and how he pinched pennies.  He apparently made his own jams and jellies.  He jarred his own applesauce. Then as his salary increased he continued his penny pinching ways. Then one...

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