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Ok, you have just started your business, who is going to hold you accountable?   Do you have the capacity to force yourself to do all of the easy and hard tasks before you to make your business a success?  Is your family depending on you to succeed?  If so, you...

Right Person

There was a client who struggled with finding a competent department supervisor.  Over the years they brought in outside people, they promoted up internal people, they transferred over people from other departments. Nothing worked they struggled to meet minimum...

Garage Business

When I started my business I worked out of my house.  With small kids the house always looked like a bomb went off, not to mention I am not zoned for client visits.  So I had to meet client’s elsewhere.   This was a limiting prospect on my business.  I had grown...


I was reading and I ran across this statement where Congress is looking for more tax revenue:   “Employer-paid health premiums aren’t included in an employee’s taxable wages, even though the employer is able to deduct the amounts as a business expense.”  ...

Data, Metrics and Analysis

I am working with a client whose business is going through a transition.  While they have years of data, which will assist in determining what is happening in the business, this is not quite enough to answer the questions.   I have started pulling the data...

Board of Directors

I have been asked to sit on a few Board of Directors (BOD) and Board of Advisors (BOA) in my time.  Some were Not for Profits some were for private businesses.   Surprising the NFP boards were the most difficult to be on, they tend to be more social oriented less...

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