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FBAR and FinCen

Did you forget to disclose all of your Swiss Bank accounts to the IRS by Tax Day?   You need not panic yet if you missed the April 18 deadline for reporting foreign accounts.   The IRS has allowed for you to have an automatic six-month extension (until Oct....


Profit is not a dirty word!  All businesses have to make a profit to survive, even Not-for-Profits, they more than any other needs to have a profit for those inevitable lien times or for future growth.   One client has been struggling to firm up their fixed and...

Turning away business

Recently in a conversation with one of our clients, I asked about their production capacity.  Do they know when they would need to turn down business or start the second shift?   It turns out that they don’t have any hard or fast rules for this option.  But they...

The Future, cash flow options

I was recently meeting with the owner of a business, after spending a couple of hours drilling down on their numbers looking for costs to cut.  They are currently going through a cash crunch and the immediate future is not looking promising.  Historically their fourth...


You know by now that most of the big names in search engines: Google, Bing, Yahoo – track your search history and build profiles on you, serving different results based on your search history. You may want to try one of the alternative search engines if you’re tired...


How often are you cleaning the cookies out of your computer?   How many know what cookies are?  Cookies are small bits of computer code that are temporarily installed on your computer from the websites you visit.   Some cookies track all of the websites you...

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