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Tax planning on rumors.

I was invited to be a guest at a BNI meeting and another CPA stated that he was meeting with clients to changes to their planning strategies based upon the swirling rumors and hearsay. I was astounded by this.  I had just been interviewed by a reporter from the Daily...

The 2017 standard mileage rates

Standard mileage fell to 53½¢ per mile, down 0.5¢ from 2016.   The rate for medical travel and moving dropped 2¢, to 17¢ a mile next year. The allowance for charitable driving will stay put at 14¢ a mile. It’s fixed by law. You can also claim the cost of parking...

Personal and Business year-end tax planning timing

For personal taxes the timing rules differ for tax-deductible items, such as charitable donations.  So long as the checks are in the mail by year-end, you are able to lock in a 2016 write-off.   For deductible charges made with a bank credit card, you can claim...

Time of the Hacker

As we progress into the Age of the “Internet of Things” seemingly everything from baby monitors to the US electric grid is vulnerable to hackers who are able to exploit lax security and wreak havoc on businesses and individuals. Beyond the thoughts of a major...

Financial plans update frequency

DO you have a financial plan?  If so when was it originally done?  When did you last have it updated?  How often should you have it updated?   The answer to some of these questions in my mind actually rests with how close you are to retirement.  I am aware of...

Business structure

We are working with a new client that had themselves set-up as an LLC.  A Sole LLC!   A Sole LLC is a disregarded entity as far as the IRS is concerned.  They are required to file a Schedule C with their personal tax return.  This is also an entity type that I am...

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