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Attorney Malpractice

In another recent tax case it was decided that a lawyer’s malpractice won’t prevent penalties for a late-filed estate tax return.   The executor hired an attorney to file an estate’s Form 706. But, unbeknownst to her, the lawyer was battling brain cancer and...

3 Ways to Die

I was reading an article recently regarding predictions on the end of the world.  The article referenced an article in the New Yorker, but I have read about these prophecies  before.  Actually I have seen multiple movies and read a few books regarding all of these...

Illinois Business Law and your LLC

As of July 1, 2017, Pub. Act 099-0637 became effective amending 805 ILCS 180 et seq.   What does that mean?  It means that now all LLCs are member managed unless the operating agreement specifically states otherwise.  The operating agreement must also express...

The Simple Tax Return

The illusion of the simple return, no one believes that their lives are as complicated as they are.  We received a call at the beginning of October where a potential client was looking for someone to prepare their tax return.  “Since the filing deadline on an...

The Budget

Have you used a budget for your household expenses? What about work?  Have you ever gone through the budget process for your company or department?  Yes, yes it is a fun process for one and all.   I worked for one company that had just finished their budget...

The Bank Robbery

Recently my bank was robbed. Yes, the one where I make most of my deposits.   Granted I knew there are still morons out there that think it is lucrative to rob banks, even in this day and age.  So this rocket scientist was caught within 2 hours or so of the...

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