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The Election and the Stock Market

My middle son asked the question, “What will the stock market do after the election”?  I have to admit I do not have a clear indication what it may do.  Frankly I don’t think the markets have had a clear plan for decades for after election directions. The last one...


Passwords have been an issue for quite a while now and the situation does not seem to be getting any easier of less complex. Initially short passwords were used and no one used any creativity, they used birthday, anniversaries or other special days.  Making them...

The connectivity of the Internet of Things (IOT)

With the next major shift on the economy will be the Internet revolution.  I have questions as to how this will work. Since we have just had a large bank and airlines get hacked,  Yes I believe the Wells Fargo, Delta Airlines, Southwest Airlines, and American Airlines...


Before Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web for the Internet, a business’s location was generally limited to its brick-and-mortar office or storefront.  The WWW and the internet are now considered one and the same, by most.  Allowing the Internet to created new...

Basis after a partial sale

The calculation of basis has always been required and sometimes not as clear to some as it should be. When you take on an investor and sell a portion of your company. You are giving up your rights to those shares and possibly your autonomy to run the business as you...

Your 15 minutes

“In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes” – Andy Warhol The source of the quote may be contested, but the idea is solid.  It seems that now days everyone seems to think that they are special and unique in every aspect.  Otherwise why...

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