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Oxfam is estimating that the top 1 percent of the world’s population will own more than 50 percent of the world’s wealth by 2016. Oxfam is an international confederation of 17 organizations working in approximately 94 countries worldwide to find solutions to poverty...


Surprise, e-signatures are one of the fastest growing global practices, basically because of their convenience. What we don’t really know is whether people perceive e-signatures to be equivalent symbol of a traditional hand written signature. Unless you take the...

The Hang-ups

On a recent Wednesday, I was with a client and we had to call the IRS to make sure that they received the forms we sent and make sure that everything was in place for their installment agreement. So we called the number on the last notice they received.  This worked...

The Seminar

There are many aspects of my bank that I really enjoy.  No they do not give me free money, but like said I enjoy my bank.  I don’t love it. But they do support seminars that provide CPE for CPA’s and all of the events are well worth mine and my staff’s time. They had...

Women do it better

I was meeting with a couple of of my clients for the first phase of year-end tax planning.  One of them made a mildly despairing remark about their skills.  I quickly corrected her and then explained that these two women are the exception to the rule as far as...

Sales Seminar

I was asked by a friend to attend a seminar for Real Estate investing.  He had attended the free seminar before and wanted my perspective.  So I went. The presenter tried all of the usual tricks on the audience.  He stated that all investment decisions should be made...

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