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A couple of years ago crypto was all over the news and the IRS was seeming addressing the issue constantly.  That is not the case at the moment. That may be because of Crypto and it’s many losses – I am seeing client dumping crypto in multiple forms and taking heavy...

Options trading – in IRA

Years ago, I met a gentleman who wanted to learn the fundamentals of options trading. He was aware of the nightmare that options trading can have to an individual’s tax return.  Basically, needing to hire a tax professional to prepare the return. Being a thrifty...

Multiple lines of passive income

What passive income streams have you set up for yourself?  If you haven’t done any yet, are you planning on doing any? I have some old insurance dogs and financial advisors, who wake up January 1, knowing that they will be making six to seven figures without really...

Interest as a percentage

I was recently reading that interest rates and payments were crippling small companies. Just how much costlier is credit these days? Small firms are paying 9.1% on average, per the National Federation of Independent Business. In 2019, the prime rate, the benchmark...

Interest Rates

As of this writing mortgage rates are over 8% for a 30-year fixed, and over 7% for a 15 year. Auto loans range from over 5% to over 14% based on credit scores. Money market rates from major banks range in the 4.3% range. So, I am thrilled that I was able to lock in a...

Passive income

For those of you who are unaware passive income is unearned income generated from investments, properties or side hustles. It’s a steady flow of cash not earned from active work, such as traditional employment or full-time entrepreneurship. There are a few...

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