Money Management Archives |

EIDL forgiveness

I have a couple of clients who have taken EIDL funds to weather the tide and are now regretting those choices. One needs to close; it has been hemorrhaging cash since I started working with them.  They have thrown their EIDL Funds and all of their savings into the...

Real wealth –

I have been working with clients this tax season, who are well into the top 10% of US taxpayers, none of them consider themselves wealthy.  Even those whom I know are the truly wealthy. During a recent webinar, they defined real wealth by having  passive income...

Multiple lines of passive income

What passive income streams have you set up for yourself?  If you haven’t done any yet, are you planning on doing any? I have some old insurance dogs and financial advisors, who wake up January 1, knowing that they will be making six to seven figures without really...

Short Term cash loan

I have a client that at one time tried this trick a couple times within a year.  I do not recommend it, this is a cautionary tale. The client borrowed money from their traditional IRA.  Normal withdrawal with no exceptions, if not rolled over into a new account within...

Interest as a percentage

I was recently reading that interest rates and payments were crippling small companies. Just how much costlier is credit these days? Small firms are paying 9.1% on average, per the National Federation of Independent Business. In 2019, the prime rate, the benchmark...

Cash Flow

As the year winds down, a number of clients are suffering from cash flow drop offs.  Cash is getting tighter, their clients are not spending, nor are they rushing to pay their bills.  They are waiting for signs that the economy will be getting better.  It may be a bit...

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