Money Management Archives |

Decrease in accounts for retirement

One client this tax season was asking me what I thought the economy was going to do in the near term, this gentleman is slightly older than me. I started by reviewing that 2021 was a gangbuster year, that most of my accounts had hit their highs and that I was pleased...

Consistent yearly losses

We work with a number of clients who ask for our advice and then act upon that advise, usually for the better and their business grow and prosper. While there are a few outliers that have me in regularly to assist with certain tasks and then ignore my advice.  One...

Profit or loss, how to know

As strange as it may seem, we are working with a number of clients who maintain no books or records.  After we created some semblance of order with their records, we could then prepare the tax returns for them. When we finally get a chance to present the returns to...

Side gigs

This year we picked up a number of new clients, a surprising amount have side gigs. Granted a number of them have a rental property of two. Today, I met with a couple where one had a pretty extensive e-commerce operation.  They have their website, but also are very...

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