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Reading in the US

I am always curious on a number of topics as this blog has shown in the past.  The latest instance was who is reading in the us and what are they reading? So, I found a 2022 Nation survey on US reading statistics.  Here are their parameters. “The pandemic shifted the...


Do you use a budget for your Thanksgiving meal?  I know I don’t, I feel I would be afraid to gather all of the costs. I am sure I would be unpleasantly surprised. Each year, I start gathering ingredients early, especially those that are canned and difficult to locate,...

Historic Tax Rates

When meeting with clients who have unexpected tax liabilities, usually tied to events they were not monitoring as well as they could, interest, dividends capital gains on brokerage accounts where the brokers have discretion on trading. At time it helps to show them...


Looking into the history of Halloween, it figures that it stems from my people and their superstitious beliefs.  Yes, I believe that my Irish relatives still believe in most of the ancient superstitions.  Weddings and funerals have people making strange gestures and...

World’s tallest buildings

I was re-watching the “Titans Who Built America” and in the episode there was a competition as to whom was going to build the world’s tallest building, Charles Chrysler or Pierre DuPont. DuPont won with the Empire State Building, Chrysler lost with e Chrysler...

UFO and the Generational shift

Now the following is not the result of a scientific study.  This is all based upon conversations with Baby Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, and a Gen Z representative and his beliefs based on his research and reading and friends. The Gen Z group look at Congress and their...

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