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The end of Social Security (Again)

It seems that my whole adult life they have been talking about the Social Security funds running out. I laugh at that, because if it was real money and that money was invested it would never have run out.  The damned politicians looked at it as a pork barrel to stick...


I have voted in almost every election since I was 18.  I know I missed one, mainly because I too ill to go out and vote.  I may have missed more, but I am out there for primaries and the lovely non-advertised District elections. But with the upcoming presidential...


If you’re planning your summer vacation… My wife and I keep talking about it but can’t seem to pull the trigger.  She has time constraints and now we have adult children issues.  Ceremonies to attend. Yes, I also have some time constraints as well, but I have a...


No matter how good or how bad you feel, it strikes you dumb when you get your first unrequested solicitation for Long Term Care Insurance… This just happened to me.  Granted it may not have been the first, but it was the first I noticed.  I got it courtesy of the...

Comic Strips

Comic strips of yesteryear were a way to FastTrack fame and fortune. Comic strips are a dying medium trapped in another dying medium. I am a long time fan of comic strips, I had followed Bloom County and Drabble in the past.  I also actively read collections of the...

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