Running a Business Archives |

Profit or loss, how to know

As strange as it may seem, we are working with a number of clients who maintain no books or records.  After we created some semblance of order with their records, we could then prepare the tax returns for them. When we finally get a chance to present the returns to...

Home Office

I have to admit I am not a friend of the home office.  The thought of depreciating my home, only to recapture the deprecation as ordinary income when I sell it was never a warm fuzzy thought. Granted the IRS safe harbor of up to $1,500 is not a lot.  But as I sit here...

Side gigs

This year we picked up a number of new clients, a surprising amount have side gigs. Granted a number of them have a rental property of two. Today, I met with a couple where one had a pretty extensive e-commerce operation.  They have their website, but also are very...

Charcoal briquets

Most of the time when you’re grilling, you don’t think about the history behind it – just how delicious the food is going to taste when you’re done. I explored the history of Kingsford charcoal and was surprised to find a rich history, interestingly tied to Ford...

China has a short-sighted approach to R&D

Beyond forcing outside companies partnering and sharing design plans with the government. China will have to invest more in productivity enhancements like basic scientific research. Traditionally, Beijing has been loath to spend money on R&D that doesn’t promise...

Start-up expenses

Expenses incurred before business starts aren’t deductible right away. An engineer bought vacant land with the intent to eventually farm and develop it. Although he spent time and money working on the land, began constructing a barn, and even came up with a business...

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