Running a Business Archives |

Property Income

I have known people who get creative in having others cover their mortgage payments. I personally never had the opportunity or the courage to try what they did on my own. The first person bought his parents’ home from them in his freshman year of college.  He then...

Sales Tax Audit

A business manager called in a bit of a panic.  It seems that their bookkeeper had quit four months before and they received a notice that they are now being audited by the Illinois Department or Revenue for their Sales Taxes for 2017 to 2019. I went to meet with the...

Our Debt and Services

U.S. National Debt has risen to a record high exceeding $22 Trillion. To make matter worse according to the Treasury Department data comes as tax revenue has fallen and federal spending continues to rise. The new debt level reflects a rise of more than $2 trillion...

Workers Compensation Insurance

I was working with a client that came to me after a worker’s comp audit.  The owner and family were the only ones listed on the policy and drawing salary.  The audit determined that their independent contractors were in fact employees and not independent contractors...

Economics of Self-Publishing

I did some reading and investigation on the financials of publishing; I always want to see how a business works. What I found startled me and I thought I had a good idea how the numbers played out. An author published through a small press that sells 100,000 ebooks at...

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