Running a Business Archives |

Most Trusted

I like to believe that I am my clients “Most trusted advisor” and not just their tax preparer. But I do have a couple of clients that act as if I were a commodity, that that I am no different from a garage preparer with a Turbo-Tax package filing multiple returns....

Blue Oceans

Blue ocean is an entrepreneurship industry term created in 2005 to describe a new market with little competition or barriers standing in the way of innovators. The term refers to the vast “empty ocean” of market options and opportunities that occur when a...


Ransomware has become the most common type of malicious software. it works by infiltrating computers and locks them down until a ransom is paid. The frequency, severity and sophistication of ransomware attacks in the U.S. skyrocketed in 2021. There were about 420...

Resurrection or new company

We had a client last tax season that had a problem and they insisted that needed fixing. They had a company that they stopped paying for the annual report on a couple years before.  So the state involuntarily dissolved the corporation. They could reopen the...

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