Taxes Archives |

3.8% surtax on unearned income

S corporations’ owners can blunt the impact of the 3.8% surtax on unearned income. Shareholders who materially participate in the S corporation’s operations generally aren’t subject to the 3.8% surtax on their allocable share of the firm’s income or on distributions...

Donations against the future

Do you contribute to a Traditional or a Roth IRA? The idea behind the investing in a Traditional IRA is that your tax rates will be less when you are retired.  Most of our clients did not believe us when we explained that this is a fallacy, that they will be roughly...

Selling your home

In Fiscal 2020 we had clients who sold their home and did not prepare for the tax consequences. What was the most surprising was the fact that two or maybe three clients all claimed that they rolled the funds into a bigger home and so the profits should not be...

Who is paying their fair share?

The most recent IRS statistics are out and the analysis is in, who are paying our taxes?  At least from 2018… IRS statistics from 2018 show that the top 1% of taxpayers (more than $540,000 in income) paid 40.1% of all individual income taxes; the top 5% (about...

Dividend Income Attacked

President Biden wants to increase the tax on dividends.  I find this a bit shortsighted; since he apparently has never invested in the stock market throughout his life (can this be true?) The value of those dividends is then an unknown entity. Not all have federal...

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