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Taxes Archives |

Calculation and Payment of Estimated Taxes

To calculate estimated taxes, individuals must estimate their total tax liability for the year, including self-employment tax and individual income tax. They then divide this amount by four to determine the quarterly payment amounts. The IRS provides Form 1040-ES for...

Concept and Purpose of Estimated Taxes

The U.S. tax system operates on a pay-as-you-earn basis, requiring taxes to be paid as income is received. For employees, employers typically manage this through withholding. However, for those without automatic withholding, such as the self-employed, estimated tax...

Late filing and payment

If you file your U.S. tax return late, you may face two primary penalties: the late filing penalty and the late payment penalty. The late filing penalty is 5% of the unpaid taxes for each month or part of a month that your return is late, up to a maximum of 25%. If...


IRS updates draft version of Form 1099-DA, Digital Asset Proceeds From Broker Transactions; requests comments on form planned for 2025 The Internal Revenue Service today posted an early draft of the updated Form 1099-DA, which is the form for brokers to report certain...

Passive Rental Losses

Normally, the passive loss rules bar deducting rental real estate losses. But there are two exceptions. The first is for real estate professionals who spend more than 50% of their working hours and over 750 hours each year materially participating in real estate as...

Who pays what in taxes

The income tax burden on high-incomers rose for 2021, per IRS statistics. The top 1% of individual filers paid 45.78% of all U.S. federal income taxes… up from 2020’s figure of 42.31%. They reported 26.3% of total adjusted gross income. Filers needed AGIs of at least...

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