Taxes Archives |

Illegal Activities

Did you know that income from all illegal activities, such as money from dealing with drugs, must be included as income on Schedule 1 so it can flow onto your 1040? You will also be taxed for self-employment taxes as well, so both side of FICA.

The distant past, and Schedule A

Sometime ago the cost of an MBA could be deducted, as illustrated here. A man worked as an investment analyst and owned technology ventures. He left his job to get an MBA degree and deducted the cost on Schedule A as an unreimbursed employee business expense subject...

Child Tax Payments – Form 8812

IRS is disbursed its last monthly child credit payment for 2021 on Dec. 15. Taxpayers who file a federal return next year will use Schedule 8812 to reconcile their 2021 advance payments with the child credit they are entitled to. For most, the credit will exceed the...

Self-Employed Contributions Act (SECA)

There are some LLC and LP members who don’t pay SECA taxes that are now on the IRS’s radar. The IRS has an ongoing audit campaign on when limited partners and LLC members owe self-employment tax on their distributive share of the firm’s income. In 2017, the Tax Court...

Tax Criminals have few worries…

It seems that the IRS’s Criminal Investigation division is pursuing fewer payroll tax dodges… In 2021, the CI began 215 of these cases, compared with 298 the prior year. Apparently the probes of nonfilers, abusive tax schemes and cross-border crimes are also down. But...

Who pay what in Federal Taxes?

The tax burden on the highest income earners has actually gone down, according to IRS statistics. That is not to say that they are not paying their share. The top 1% of individual filers paid 38.77% of all U.S. income taxes for 2019, the most recent year IRS has...

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