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I was bopping around the internet, and I saw a video for “How to Spot a Fake Website” I was intrigued. With the advancement of e-commerce and the thousands of websites that are created daily, some are created for illicit purposes. The idea was show us that there are several types of scams.   That list is below.

I was a bit underwhelmed, so I dug into this topic a bit more and got more basic information.  Not sure what I was looking for but it was not here.

  1. random letters not words – over 1,750,000,000 websites in the world/ website validator
  2. different extensions – 206 country extensions
  3. Prices too good to be true – what looks too good to be true probably is
  4. Work from home scams – watch videos for money
  5. Financial investments – virtual currencies exchange rate deals
  • Double-check the domain name.
  • Is the offer too good to be true?
  • Never pay by bank transfer.
  • Browse the website.
  • Check the returns policy.
  • Read some online reviews.
  • Can you trust a trust mark?
  • Look for a padlock.

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