The reasons for immigration have drastically changed over the past centuries.

Today it is surmised that primarily, immigrants choose to leave their home country in order to improve their quality of life. Economic reasons for immigrating include seeking higher wage rates, better employment opportunities, a higher standard of living, and educational opportunities.

While in the early 1900’s immigrants came not for freedom, but for food.  The droughts, famine and under abundance of food lead people here.

For myself I have no idea why my ancestors came to this country.  The German’s I believe came in the late 1800’s my grandmother was born in Chicago. The Irish seem to have been here forever, both grandparents were born in Chicago.  But my grandfather came here from Norway, in the early 1900’s.

He died before I was born, so I never got to ask him any questions.  For the others I was strongly discouraged and outright told to stop asking questions.

But from those who I know who came here, they came here for the opportunity to succeed.  They believe in it and have achieved it to varying degrees of success.  The entrepreneurs have had greater success, over the wage slaves.

The people working for others are making comfortable livings, but not getting “rich” rich.

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