Are you the leader of your business?  Are you the only leadership the business has?  Are you an effective leader?

Leadership is the accomplishment of a goal through the direction of human assistants.

Does that describer what happens under your leadership?  Or are there constant fires that need to be addressed and constant bailing in other situations.  Are you a good leader.

What tools do you have to help the leadership of your business?

My office is small, and we all take on the leadership role.  There are duties that everyone excels at that the others don’t, so they take the leadership role for that task or responsibility.

I tend to question a number of my decisions as the leader of my company, which is one of the reasons I rely upon my Board of Advisors to give me guidance as well.  The goals of leadership are to expect and produce positive results.  Get in from of problems and issues and deal with them successfully.

How is the leadership of you business going to change?

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