(847) 690-9454 [email protected]

In the past I have been a member of a number of groups.  I had spent a tremendous amount of time and never really got a lot of referrals.

I thought of putting my own group together, one that would only, be businesses that focused on business owners.  It was to include a business attorney, commercial insurance agent, business banker, etc. only those who focused on business and business owners.

It was a non-starter, I struggled to get any interested parties, ones who were excited were those I didn’t want in those who did not fit the focus profile.

I have known a few people who joined groups, and then dropped out after 3 months. They were not showered with referrals, nor made any in that period so they moved on.  I recognize that time as to be spent developing relationships and a comfort level before referrals are given, and not just handed out randomly.

Have “Networking Groups” been useful to growing your business?

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