(847) 690-9454 [email protected]

I am reading a biography of the Mars and Hershey companies and their namesakes who ran the businesses.

In both cases they were seeming always looking to the future of their businesses.  In contrast, I have a client who is aware of a problem approaching in their not-too-distant future and I don’t think they are taking things as seriously as they should.  Some recent decisions almost seem to be putting them on the wrong road.

They have discussed a product with a few clients who stated if they would purchase it, assuming that the client could get it up and running to specs.  This product has been shelved the first pass was an utter failure. Returning to the one which may have a shelf life of less than a decade.

For my business, I attempt to stay relevant. After this tax season I plan to take a course of two on ChatGPT, I need to see if AI can actually have an impact from my perspective.  I expect that AI will continue to get better from the software companies, but that is for them to focus on.  I have other ideas.

What are the plans for your businesses future?

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