We the United States are failing by every measure in public education.  According to one study; federal, state, and local governments spend $720.9 billion, or $14,840 per pupil, to fund K-12 public education.

This gets the US to 26th in Total scores, looking at Reading, Math and Science.  China by the way is number one.  Hong Kong is number two.  Finland sneaks in for number three and then four and five are Singapore and South Korea.

North America does not register until number seven with Canada.

We are spending more and more money and getting poorer and poorer results.  I think we need to listen to Einstein: “If you want different results, you have to try different approaches”.

We may not be able to follow the 25 models that work better than ours, but we do need to do something different.  We cannot afford the spending we are making if we continue to fall behind the rest of the world.

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