(847) 690-9454 [email protected]
  1. Pay Yourself a Reasonable Salary: As an S Corp shareholder, pay yourself a reasonable salary to minimize payroll taxes and take advantage of lower tax rates on distributions. The IRS requires that salaries be reasonable for the services provided to the company.


  1. Optimize Payroll Tax Liability: By structuring your income efficiently, you can reduce payroll taxes. This involves balancing salary and distributions to optimize tax savings.


  1. Deduct Business Expenses: S Corps can deduct business expenses such as salaries, wages, and bonuses, which can lead to significant tax savings. Additionally, you may qualify for a 20% deduction on qualified business income under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017.


  1. Leverage Fringe Benefits: S Corps can cover owner-employee health insurance premiums and reimburse business-related expenses, which can be deducted as business expenses, further reducing taxable income.


  1. Employ Family Members: Hiring family members, such as children, can provide tax benefits. Their salaries can be deducted as business expenses, and they may earn income without paying federal income taxes up to a certain limit.


By implementing these strategies, S Corp owners can optimize their business structure and maximize tax savings, making the S Corp a favorable choice for many small business owners. Consulting with a tax professional is advisable to tailor these strategies to specific business needs and ensure compliance with IRS regulations.

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