Now the following is not the result of a scientific study.  This is all based upon conversations with Baby Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, and a Gen Z representative and his beliefs based on his research and reading and friends.

The Gen Z group look at Congress and their UFO probe as bread and circuses, that this is all theater to keep the eyes on the spotlight and ignore what the other hand is doing.  They seemingly believe that other life is possible, but they have no been captured and examined.  What the distraction is for is claimed to be unknown for the moment.

Baby Boomers strongly believe that they have been correct for decades and we have aliens and their tech and some companies with strong internal ties have been getting scientific advantages over others.

Gen X and the Millennials are not taking a strong stance from my conversations.  They are in a wait and see mode.  They will not be surprised whichever way this turns.

The truth is out there, what do you believe.

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