(847) 690-9454 [email protected]

Recently I was watching tv and the show had the MacGuffin that the SS office had processed the death of a client, who was obviously still alive.  So nothing new or original, except the ass backwards way they attempted to correct the issue.  They went to court instead of the SS offices.  Here is what you would really do…

If you suspect that you have been incorrectly listed as deceased on your Social Security record, please visit your local Social Security office as soon as possible.  Please make sure to bring one of the following pieces of identification.

  • Passport;
  • Driver’s license;
  • Employee ID card;
  • Military record;
  • School ID card, record or report card;
  • Marriage or divorce record;
  • Adoption record;
  • Health insurance card (except a Medicare card);
  • Certified copy of medical record;
  • Life insurance policy;
  • Court order for name change; or
  • Church membership that establishes your identity.


You must present original documents or copies certified by the agency that issued them.  We cannot accept photocopies or notarized copies.  All documents must be current (not expired).  We cannot accept a receipt showing you applied for the document.

When we correct your record, we will offer you a letter that you can give to banks, doctors or others to show that your death report was in error.  This letter is called ­­­­the “Erroneous Death Case – Third Party Contact” Notice.



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