I have been suggesting to clients for years that they should find their passion and start a side hustle.  Even if it only nets $100 a month that can grow nicely for a cash reserve, college fund or just for retirement.

Now that there are massive layoffs and the potential of free money to businesses affected by the Coronavirus.  It makes the concept of the side hustle something to really look at and consider again.

Most clients are looking for SBA assistance for their main business, but I have a few clients looking for financial assistance on their side hustle as well.

I considered applying for assistance for one or two of my side hustles, but I decided to just focus on the main business.  The e-commerce business has been doing better this year than last, people of looking for distractions and are buying more than before.  The others are tied to the main business.

What should be consider doing to earn more money.

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