Businesses leaving Illinois

Who of us at one time or another hasn’t gotten so fed up with the shenanigans of being in Illinois that we thought of leaving the “Land of Lincoln”? The red-light cameras, the violence, the fear of violence, the $50 plus parking fees, or the taxes...

Asset Protection

Earlier this year I had a client tell be about a webinar that they suggested that I needed to watch about asset protection. Months later, I had a client whose rental property was involved in causing a building fire. I finally was able to schedule the time to sit...

Roth conversions

2021 seemingly was the year of Roth conversions.  We had multiple clients joint our regulars who do annual conversions. A Roth conversion needs to go directly from brokerage to brokerage with no income limitations as well as no conversion amount limitations. But all...

Move the needle

I was watching a webinar that was showing CPAs how to position their business for greater strength and flexibility to continue to be relevant in our changing times. I thought that it was relevant enough to share, because when broken down to it’s essentials if should...

Time vs money balance

The age-old conundrum of running a business; time versus money. Is your business so new that you don’t have enough clients  to occupy all of your time and so no money to get them quickly?  if so, you are not the first or the last to be in such a situation. Do you have...

Most Trusted

I like to believe that I am my clients “Most trusted advisor” and not just their tax preparer. But I do have a couple of clients that act as if I were a commodity, that that I am no different from a garage preparer with a Turbo-Tax package filing multiple returns....

Blue Oceans

Blue ocean is an entrepreneurship industry term created in 2005 to describe a new market with little competition or barriers standing in the way of innovators. The term refers to the vast “empty ocean” of market options and opportunities that occur when a...


Ransomware has become the most common type of malicious software. it works by infiltrating computers and locks them down until a ransom is paid. The frequency, severity and sophistication of ransomware attacks in the U.S. skyrocketed in 2021. There were about 420...

Resurrection or new company

We had a client last tax season that had a problem and they insisted that needed fixing. They had a company that they stopped paying for the annual report on a couple years before.  So the state involuntarily dissolved the corporation. They could reopen the...

Multiple brokerage firms

This year I have noticed that more and more clients have holdings at multiple brokerage firms.  Typically, you can squeeze a better deal on costs and fees, if one hold most or all of your assets. I asked one gentleman why?  He explained that while he makes most of his...

Fully depreciated property

I have and am now working with a new client that have sold three properties that have been nearly fully depreciated.  Two were sold in 2021 and one in 2022. They were unaware of the fact that you have to recapture the depreciation that they have been enjoying for...

1031 Exchange

I have had a number of clients who sell their buildings and then call me up and want to talk about setting up a 1031 exchange, since they don’t want to pay the taxes on the huge gains they just made. A 1031 exchange is a real estate investing tool that allows...

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