
I have to admit that I often still surprised when non-clients ask me detailed technical questions about their business. I have had people who work with a different CPA asks me questions because they feel I am approachable and their CPA is not.  I know this because I...

Maintaining HR reports

I am working with a client that recently closed their business.  This client started with us after they had the business up and running.  We offered to work with them at various levels, but in an effort to contain costs they because an annual client only.  We were to...

In-house or outsource what makes sense

We have a client that has received an unofficial offer to have their company absorbed by one of their clients.  They want to get him to be their in-house asset.  Apparently they want him so bad that they have also left independence on the table as well. Companies...

The world of Logistics

How would you like to enter the business world in the “Logistics” category?  Not only start your own business, but not have to troll for clients and with a minimum initial investment?  Your revenues will grow and the profits are all but guaranteed.  The cost of entry...

Business Smartphone

I know just about everyone has a smart phone and uses it for both business and personal purposes.  A number of people have their bank and credit card information entered and accessible on their phone. Nothing surprising here, a vast number of people have the totality...

Margins and Volume

I recently had a client sell off their assets and close their business.  They had chosen a venture that could be successful and they were marginally successful.  But their margins were small, so they need a tremendous amount of volume to cover the fixed costs, let...

Yield Curve

I recently meet with a client and we were discussing the economy.  She indicated that we are entering a period of a negative yield curve (or “inverted yield curve”) on interest rates. To better explain this, I found this definition on  an inverted...

Major Misstep

What do you do to recover from a major misstep that had a significant cost? I was talking to a peer who works with a restaurant in my neighborhood.  The original owner created a successful business but was getting older and wanted to step down. They transferred the...


I have never been a fan of having partners. You have all of the responsibility of what they do in the business whether it is good or bad for the business.  Wrapped up in an S-Corp gives you some protection, but I have seen too many go bad. But now I myself and a...


Amazon has been vilified on social media lately, which is surprising since President Trump is also not a fan either. This mix would have trouble agreeing on the color of an orange, let alone agreeing on a common villain. According to a Business Insider article:...

The Ramp-up

I just met with a client who is now ramping up their business.  The initial plan was to set-up an e-publishing company.  The client has a number of completed books, but felt that they were not good enough for “prime time” so there has been a deferred in getting the...

The 100 day marketing plan

I was at a networking meeting and one of the people there has just started their business, one of the steps in her start-up business plan was to sign-up for Seth Godin’s 100 day marketing plan. I confess I had heard of Seth Godin, I skimmed a couple of his books.  I...

Missing the mark

I have been watching a couple of businesses over the last year and both seem to be missing the mark in getting their businesses off the ground.  One is client who started a new business because he was forced to close one business that was marginally successful, but...


“Shoulder to shoulder and backs to the wall” that may be an apt description of Tesla at the moment. This is a company that has been selling a concept, but has never made a nickel.  Nor has it ever met a production deadline or release date. The $8 billion lost to date...


Are you the type of leader or business owner who likes to surround themselves with sycophants?  I know they are out there; I have worked with a few, albeit briefly. I had a client who has since retired, but she knew and expected me to challenge her on key points of...

Networking Group

It has been awhile since I was a member of a networking group.  I had left because of the cost/time benefit ratio no longer made sense in belonging. Because of this a member of my Board of Advisors told me I needed to find one and join.  I have looked at a number of...

Conservative vs Explosive Growth

What is your businesses growth plan?  In the recent months I have had two different sources state that they believed I was on a conservative growth plan.  Granted they did not use those words, but that was their meaning. At one meeting my friend who is on my Board of...

Women in business

I have been encountering more women business owners lately.  I consider this to be a good thing.  Women tend to approach business from a different perspective then men, less instinct and a more measured approach.  They are also tend to be more conservative, so I...

Cost and Margin

The basics of business are not monitored well by most business owners.  I am talking the basic of basics; cost and margin. Cost is simply defined as the amount paid to acquire something.  Margin simply refers to the difference between the seller’s cost for...

Financial Dashboard

What does your “Financial Dashboard” look like? Do you have a “Financial Dashboard” that you use to monitor your business?  The purpose of the Dashboard is to monitor the success or lack of success of the business.  The ratios that you monitor should be directly...

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