Compliance vs Trusted Advisor

I recently had some work deferred with a client because their Treasurer wanted to stay with the minimal accounting compliance that was already in place under their supervision. When we met with the client there were all sorts of concerns, a strengthening of the...


What do you have an active fear in your business?  Is it making the next payroll?  Is it finding that next client? Is it having enough cash to cover your mortgage?  DO you have more than one fear? All small business owners have them.  It does not matter if they are...


I know a victim of a phishing expedition, kind of. They received an e-mail form a colleague that they have known for years.  But apparently the e-mail felt off, ever so slightly. They actually went into contacts and sent an e-mail asking if the party had just sent me...

Activity or Capacity

As a small business owner you find yourself perpetually busy. There are always a million little things that you never seem to find the time to get to. Are you at your capacity or is this just activity? Those things that you tend to work on first, are those things that...

Missed Opportunity?

We were reviewing a practice that was up for sale.  There were a tremendous amount of positives associated with the firm such as the number of clients, the initial location and movability of the base. But, the average tax return fees were at a commodity levels, less...

How to start a career – Patton Oswald

I took my wife to see a Q&A session with Patton Oswald, she is a fan.  I found points of the dissuasion to be very relevant to potential entrepreneurs. Repeatedly people would come up and ask how to get into the industry or be discovered. I thought his response...

Staying relevant

Companies are being creative in how they strive to remain relevant in our rapidly changing world. When behemoths like Bank of America and UPS are in reality multiple businesses, small businesses need to be on guard constantly, looking for ways to be innovative and...

Fractional C-Suite does it makes sense for your business

You are no longer a start-up you have been in business for a number of years and the business has grown nicely.  But it is also getting to the point where you are spending more time than you wish on the administrative side of the business, which you do not enjoy nor...

First Step in a business

When we are meeting with a potential new client, we find that they have already taken some steps in starting a business without asking or being asked any questions, let alone the right questions.  They have created an LLC or a Corporation already in place. We believe...

ROI vs ROI for the small business

ROI can be defined a number of ways, the two that I am referring to are: ·         Return on investment ·         Reliability of income When running a small business both of these definitions can be key influencers are most likely ignored. Return on investment, small...

Two Classes of Stock

I find it interesting when public or private companies have two classes of stock.  The purpose it always for the same reason, for the power of the company to be under the control of just a few. I have worked with clients of Wrigley stock, the employees were issued...

$0 to $10,000,000

When I am talking to prospective clients they are sometimes surprised when they ask about our other clients. We work with a wide variety of clients some are start-ups and others are multi-generational companies.  They all need to be flexible and need to change with...

Academic approach to business

I was introduced to a small business owner a while ago who seemingly was approaching their start-up from a completely academic manner, or in other words they read some books on how to start a business and then started a business. What was odd is that this is not...

Spousal Support

When I have someone coming in explaining that they want to start a business, I like to meet the prospective entrepreneur along with their spouse. If I am lucky and they both come in, when I am asking questions of the would be entrepreneur I am looking at the spouses...

Value Statement

Does your business have a value statement? Should your business have a one?  The broad definition is: A declaration that informs the customers and staff of a business about the firm’s top priorities and what its core beliefs are. Companies often use a value...


I was meeting with a client and they brought up the ZTE problem.  Their take on the issue was slightly different from the news.  They believe that any and all information and data from an ZTE device was collected and is now in the possession of the Chinese government....

IRA no-no’s

Have you thought of having your IRA lend money to your father?  If so know that this is a prohibited transaction. In 2013, a woman attempted to roll over her IRA assets into a new retirement account (probably a self-directed IRA). The assets of the IRA consisted of...

Small/Midsized C-Suite

I have a client that was looking to the outside for their first non-family member for their C-Suite. I had a small part of the process during the interview process; it was interesting seeing the process from my viewpoint. I challenged the applicants on their require...

The Small Business Administration

In 2018 loans to small businesses backed by the SBA have risen 4% this year and are on pace to beat the tally from 2017.  Personally I am not a fan of the SBA, the costs are huge and they are designed to protect the banks not the borrowers. The SBA’s flagship loan...

Wrong Referral

I was having lunch with a banker and they were telling me about the problems they were having with a nameless client. It seems that their client works in a perceived specialized field; it’s actually not, its retail with a small educational component.  So they were...

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